According to physics, every atom contains negatively and positively charged particles. Oppositely charged, these particles attract each other. Likewise, life contains negatively and positively charged events. Oppositely charged, these events attract each other.
Failure is a negatively charged event. Failure consists of attempting to complete an important task, but never completing it. This causes negative thinking, causing frustration, anger, and depression. The longer failure continues, the more you want to quit.
However, if you don't quit, your situation becomes more and more negatively charged until it reaches the tipping point. The tipping point is the attraction of your situation's opposite -- positively charged success.
So in order to attract positively charged success, you must build up enough negatively charged failure.
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For a positively charged bank account go to The Rich Jerk Program. The effects of this program are unlike any other. Don't go through life struggling and owing -- a life is a valuable thing to waste. Act now while the program is still very affordable.