Saturday, December 22, 2007

Dorothy Hamill

Dorothy Hamill was one of the greatest professional ice skaters of all time. In 1976, she took first place in the Winter Olympics, U.S. Championships, and World Championships.

Dorothy Hamill seemed to be physically designed to skate, much like a fish is physically designed to swim. During her performances, her movements seemed to flow naturally with incredible precision and coordination.

In her earlier years, Dorothy Hamill didn't always ice skate well. In fact, it took her years and years of practice before she reached her ultimate level of expertise.

Dorothy started ice skating at the age of eight and never stopped. She loved it so much; it was almost like an addiction. She later went on to get formal training to further enhance her skills.

But Dorothy's sheer love of ice skating wasn't enough to catapult her to the top. She needed to be able to handle adversity and move through it.

During the 1974 World Championships held in Germany, Dorothy almost blew it. She abruptly left the ice rink without completing her performance due to a raucous audience. But then later returned, completed her performance, winning her the silver medal.

How you handle adversity decides whether you succeed or fail. If you let adversity discourage you, you will never succeed; since the road to success is always fraught with adversity. Nevertheless, if you let adversity encourage you, you will always succeed. "But how do I let adversity encourage me," you ask.

How adversity affects you depends on how you use your head. You can use your head to think, "I'll never be able to complete my ice-skating performance. The audience is booing, and I can't stand it." This will cause you to quit.

Or you can use your head to think, "So the audience is booing. Big deal. I'll give them something to boo about. I'm going to skate so well that it will overwhelm them. That'll show them." This will cause you to excel.

If you want to learn more in depth ways of using your head to succeed, you need to download
The Athlete's Mind
by former professional athlete David Horne.

Al A. Gammate's main website is at

Friday, November 23, 2007

Joe Kennedy Dies Suddenly at Age 28

Joe Kennedy, a professional baseball pitcher, had recently and suddenly died at the age of 28. This came as a shock to everyone, especially to those who knew him well. He had pitched for the Tampa Bay Devil Rays, Colorado Rockies, Oakland A's, Arizona Diamondbacks, and Toronto Blue Jays.

Presently, the cause of Joe Kennedy's death is undetermined. So far, all we know is that he got out of bed in the middle of the night, collapsed, then died.

Was his death due to a heart attack, or perhaps a stroke? If so, was he genetically predisposed to have a heart attack or stroke, or was this drug induced? Perhaps he died of something entirely different.

Enough of speculating.

The fact is Joe Kennedy was a talented and famous baseball pitcher whose life was tragically cut short, leaving behind a wife and 1-year-old son. Though Joe Kennedy had fame and fortune, he ran out of the most precious commodity - time.

How much time do you have left? Nobody really knows. Maybe you are using your time wisely, maybe not. But all of us want more time. More time to do the things that we enjoy. More time to achieve our goals. More time to spend with loved ones.

As you know, you can lengthen your time on this planet by eating more fresh fruits and vegetables, drinking more water, exercising regularly, reducing stress, and avoiding tobacco and other dangerous drugs.

There are other important things that you can do. To find out more about living longer, go to
Longevity – The Ultimate Secrets.

Al A. Gammate's main website is at

Friday, November 16, 2007

The Flying Spaghetti Monster

Bobby Henderson, an Oregon State physics graduate, began a parody religion whose deity is the Flying Spaghetti Monster. This was in response to the debate in Kansas over whether intelligent design should be taught in public school science classes. Apparently, Henderson wanted to satirically demonstrate the ludicrousness of including intelligent design or religion in science classes.

According to Bobby Henderson, the Flying Spaghetti Monster is an omniscient deity made of pasta. Also, The Flying Spaghetti Monster created everything that exists. Most religions have this theme with the exception of a deity being made of pasta.

You cannot prove that the Flying Spaghetti Monster exists. Nor can you prove that any other deity exists. Given this, is religion irrational?

Though I agree with Bobby Henderson's view that religion or intelligent design shouldn't be included in science classes, I don't think that religion is necessarily irrational. However, if a religion promotes disharmony, hatred, violence, or the murdering of other people, then it is irrational. It is irrational because it brings unnecessary pain to others; it is irrational because it brings unnecessary pain to the followers of that religion.

Cause and effect. If you bring pain to others, they will bring pain to you.

Religion can be rational if it promotes harmony and well-being. For example, Christians are encouraged to follow the Golden Rule. The Golden Rule states, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Parallels of this rule exist in the Talmud and Analects of Confucius.

This rule alone can eliminate most of the disharmony you see in the world today. Can you imagine how harmonious the world would be if everyone followed the Golden Rule?

Finally, religion can promote well-being. To see how religion or spirituality can promote your well-being, get the highly acclaimed book
Our Ultimate Reality.

Al A. Gammate's main website is at

Friday, November 9, 2007

Natavia Lowery Did Not Have to Murder Linda Stein

Most of us heard the shocking news of Linda Stein's murder. Even more shocking was that her personal assistant, Natavia Lowery, did the murdering. Linda Stein was a very successful woman. She was the manager of a very popular rock group The Ramones, and was a successful real estate agent serving celebrities such as Sting, Billy Joel, Steven Spielberg, Calvin
Klein and Bruce Willis.

Why did Natavia Lowery murder Linda Stein? Apparently, it was over a heated argument; and things got out of control. They had many arguments in the past, but this argument was the last straw.

Perhaps Linda Stein was a very demanding and short-tempered employer. But even so, Natavia Lowery had no right to murder her. Natavia could have walked away; then once she calmed down, she could have attempted to calmly resolve her disagreement with Linda. If this was not possible, Natavia could have quit her job as Linda's personal assistant.

Disagreements are inevitable. Everyone will eventually get into a disagreement with someone. After all, each one of us thinks differently from one another.

A disagreement can be positive, in that it can help you to understand and appreciate the other person's viewpoint, strengthening your friendship. Or a disagreement can be negative, in that, blinded by your own viewpoint, you refuse to understand and appreciate the other person's viewpoint, angering you, and possibly leading you to attack or murder the other

When you find yourself in a disagreement with someone and notice that it's becoming heated, the following tips can help:

(1) Stop talking and start listening. Allow the other person to vent. He will eventually calm down.

(2) Change your body language and voice tone. Instead of tensely standing, sit down relaxedly slouching in a chair. Instead of yelling, speak softly and calmly. Your body language and voice tone will calm the other person down.

(3) If you find yourself becoming heated and can't calm yourself, leave the situation immediately! And don't come back until you are calm and in control.

For more advanced tips on how to handle disagreements and arguments, please download the very popular e-book
How to Deal With Verbal Aggression.

Al A. Gammate's main website is at

Friday, March 23, 2007

Energy, Motion, & E-Motion

Spectral colors include red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and violet. Red has the lowest frequency; violet has the highest frequency. Common emotions include fear, anger, sadness, shame, desire, and happiness. Fear and anger have the most negative frequencies; happiness has the most positive frequency.

Spectral colors are energy; common emotions are energy. Energy affects things. Without energy, nothing changes. Energy causes motion.

Energy-motion, e-motion, or emotion causes behavioral motion. Without emotion, behavioral motion slows or ceases. Negative emotions cause negative behaviors; positive emotions cause positive behaviors. For example, fear causes fleeing and freezing; happiness causes rising and pursuing.

Behavioral motion causes environmental motion. Without behavior, environmental motion slows or ceases. Negative behaviors cause negative environments; positive behaviors cause positive environments. For example, fleeing and freezing cause goal frustration; rising and pursuing cause goal fulfillment.

Hence, feeling good leads to having good -- having good health, finances, and relationships. And feeling bad leads to having bad -- having bad health, finances, and relationships.

This makes sense. Look around. Notice that the happiest people are the most blessed, and the unhappiest people are the most cursed?

For more success information, please go to

Feeling good? Go to The Rich Jerk Program and feel better. You will further feel better, once you realize that this program really works, unlike the other programs you've tried. Own it while it's still very affordable. There is a huge demand for this program and it will soon become less affordable. Don't waste your life struggling with money problems. Solve your money problems now, and start enjoying your life!

Saturday, March 17, 2007


According to physics, every atom contains negatively and positively charged particles. Oppositely charged, these particles attract each other. Likewise, life contains negatively and positively charged events. Oppositely charged, these events attract each other.

Failure is a negatively charged event. Failure consists of attempting to complete an important task, but never completing it. This causes negative thinking, causing frustration, anger, and depression. The longer failure continues, the more you want to quit.

However, if you don't quit, your situation becomes more and more negatively charged until it reaches the tipping point. The tipping point is the attraction of your situation's opposite -- positively charged success.

So in order to attract positively charged success, you must build up enough negatively charged failure.

For more success information, please go to

For a positively charged bank account go to The Rich Jerk Program. The effects of this program are unlike any other. Don't go through life struggling and owing -- a life is a valuable thing to waste. Act now while the program is still very affordable.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Location, Location, Location

Select the right location.
-- P. T. Barnum

Location is powerful. It makes or breaks businesses and people. If you want to start a successful business, it must be located where the customers are. Otherwise, the business fails. If you want to become a successful person, you must locate yourself where successful people are. Otherwise, you fail.

Location determines the fate of businesses and people. Businesses located in less competitive and more populated areas tend to do better than those in more competitive and less populated areas. People located in wealthy and lawful neighborhoods tend to do better than those in poor and lawless neighborhoods.

Location sets life direction. The type of location sets the type of life direction. If you want to know your life direction, look at your location. This tells you where you are going. Do you like where you are going?

Liking it or not, you are still in control. You can change your location, changing your life direction. Just decide where you would like to be, and behaviorally relocate there.

Not enough money, time, and energy to relocate presently? There is another way. Envision yourself being in your desired location. Hold this vision until you are there. You will be there.

Being there, you now realize that vision, behavior, and location are really one and the same -- that changing any one of the three automatically changes the others.

To relocate, you must re-think or re-behave. Sometimes it's easier to re-think; sometimes re-behaving is easier. It depends on your circumstance.

For more success information, please go to

Speaking of relocating, you need to relocate to The Rich Jerk Program, if you want to relocate your life. Life is short. So the sooner, the better. Being temporarily and easily affordable, this program empowers like no other. With this very practical and simple program, you can stop losing!

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

The Buzzz Cuzzz

Advertise your business.
-- P. T. Barnum

It's not enough being the best in your trade. What good is being the best, if nobody knows it? Advertising quality work is just as important as doing quality work.

Whether you are self-employed or employed by someone, advertising decides success. If you are self-employed, you advertise by newspaper, radio, television, or the Internet. If you are employed by someone, you advertise by resume, interview, and getting recommendations and references.

However, there are problems with these traditional approaches. If you are self-employed, you may be required to spend huge amounts of money on newspaper, radio, television, or Internet advertisements. Not having enough money, you can't get the necessary advertisement, collapsing your business. If you are employed by someone, you can waste huge amounts of time on advertising by resume, interview, and getting recommendations and references, resulting in being stuck at a dead-end job.

Solution? If the traditional approaches aren't working for you, you need to do the opposite. If you are self-employed, instead of advertising to get buyers, you need to temporarily give your product away to get advertisement -- word-of-mouth. If you are employed by someone, instead of advertising to get hired elsewhere, you need to temporarily do volunteer work to get advertisement -- word-of-mouth.

Word-of-mouth, the buzz, is the most powerful advertisement, powerfully selling your product or service. Though the buzz saves money and time, your product or service must be high quality. If your product or service is the best, use the buzz, saving you money and time. However, if your product or service is mediocre, you must spend huge amounts of money or time.

When off track, take the opposite tack. If sick, behaving oppositely strengthens. If poor, behaving oppositely enriches. If ignorant, behaving oppositely teaches.

For more success information, go to

The latest buzz is that The Rich Jerk Program is the real deal. So don't waste your money on the counterfeit deals -- moneymaking scams. Instead invest in the real deal. But cheaply invest now, or you'll be expensively investing later. Bargains fly by when you're asleep!

Sunday, March 11, 2007

The Choice

Never take "No" for an answer. Never submit to failure.
-- Winston Churchill

Failure is a choice. You can say "Yes" or "No" to it, and life will act accordingly. Life is not rigid and unyielding, but bends and yields to your will. Life merely reflects your choices. People choose to be healthy or sick, wealthy or poor, wise or foolish, successful or failing -- on some level.

How To Be a Failure

First: Choose failure by repeatedly declaring yourself a failure. During conversations with others, explain to them why you can't do certain things; during conversations with yourself, do likewise. Second: Envision yourself as failing at challenging tasks. For example, if scheduled to give a speech, you should envision yourself as quivering and quavering, culminating in you fleeing from the lectern. Third: You talked the talk, now walk the walk. Telling others and yourself about things you can't do, you need to follow up with action. Unprepared, perform challenging tasks poorly, then quit. For example, if scheduled to take a written examination, you shouldn't study for it beforehand. Failing the exam, you shouldn't retake it. Fourth: Realize how dismal your life is.

How To Be a Success

First: Choose success by repeatedly declaring yourself a success. During conversations with others, explain to them why you can do certain things; during conversations with yourself, do likewise. Second: Envision yourself as succeeding at challenging tasks. For example, if scheduled to give a speech, you should envision yourself as confident and steady, culminating in you receiving a standing ovation. Third: You talked the talk, now walk the walk. Telling others and yourself about things you can do, you need to follow up with action. Prepared, perform challenging tasks superbly, then continue. For example, if scheduled to take a written examination, you should study for it beforehand. Passing the exam, you should continue taking more exams. Fourth: Realize how bright your life is.

Point: Failure doesn't choose you; you choose it.

So don't choose failure, and waste your life. Life is short, and the clock is ticking. So hurry! Choose success at The Rich Jerk Program, and live the life you desire. This very affordable program is the gateway out of your dismal life and into a bright future. Don't be scammed by the other fake programs.

For more success information, please go to

Friday, March 9, 2007

Paradoxical Opposites

Don't read the other side.
-- P. T. Barnum

If I tell you, "Don't read the other side," of a hanging sign, what would you do? You would read the other side. Right? Of course you would. Why?

Opposites dictate reality. Example: If you sail eastward from the United States, you will eventually reach China. However, if you sail westward from the United States, you will also eventually reach China. The reason is that you sail circularly. Another example: If you succeed in the smaller tasks of a goal, you will eventually succeed in the larger goal. However, if you fail in the smaller tasks of a goal, you will also eventually succeed in the larger goal. The reason is that you learn from each failure. Final example: If parents tell their cookie-loving children to help themselves to the cookie jar, the children will probably help themselves to it. However, if the parents told the children to avoid the cookie jar, the children would probably and sneakily help themselves to it. The reason is that the forbidden provokes curiosity.

Likewise, there are two ways of solving any problem. One is the obvious way; the other is the opposite and obscure way. So if you are struggling to solve a problem in one way, sometimes solving it in the opposite way is easier. When off track, take the opposite tack.

Paradoxically, there are two ways to win: you win by winning; you eventually win by losing.

For more success information, please go to

If you are fed up with all of the fake money-making programs and want the real one, go to The Rich Jerk Program. Though there is a 60-day money back guarantee, you won't need it -- because the program works. Hurry! This program is discounted for a limited period of time. Stop bumming; make your family proud of you.

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Trafficking Website Traffic

Do you have a no-traffic website?

As you know, traffic decides website success. Without traffic you're dead. But how do you get large and steady traffic? There are several things you can do.

The more links, the more traffic. The more links to your website, the more search engines think your website is important, ranking it better. Better ranking increases traffic. Also having many other websites reference your website increases advertising, increasing traffic. You can get others to link to your website by press releases, link exchanges, or submitting articles about your website to article publishers.

The larger, the more traffic. The larger your website, the better it ranks, increasing traffic. Larger websites tend to rank higher than smaller websites. This is probably because search engines are content-driven. So the more content you produce, the more the search engines drive your content, driving your website to the top.

Better keywords mean better traffic. For your website, choosing popular keywords that searchers use is important. However, the trick is to choose the more popular but less competitive keywords. For example, if a keyword is popularly used by searchers but millions of websites are vying for that keyword, what good is it? Or if a keyword is rarely used by searchers but very few websites are vying for that keyword, what good is it?

More money means less effort. If you are rich, you can buy the top rank and keywords, increasing your website traffic. You don't have to work as hard as the poor.

However, if you are not rich and want to avoid unnecessary hard work and headaches, go to The Rich Jerk Program. This frustration-free program is powerfully potent -- differing from all of the weak impotent programs that you've tried. With an investment equaling the value of two cigarette packs, you can own this program, solving your website traffic problems. The discount affordability of this program is temporary, so hurry.

For more success information, please go to

Monday, March 5, 2007

Money-Getting Programs

Do money-getting programs work?

This is a very good question. Like you, I have read many articles on money-getting, finding most of the articles to be worthless. Many of the articles stress the importance of thinking positive, envisioning goals, hard work, persistence, and having confidence. I don't doubt that these virtues are important. However, for concrete thinkers like you and me, we need a more step-by-step, simple, and practical approach.

Imagine an approach that is simple, easy-to-use, and consistently earns anyone using it large sums of money -- even if the person is completely ignorant about money-getting. This would be the ultimate problem-solver. You would pay your bills easily, spend more time with family, easily buy desired things, and have plenty of refreshment and rest. Most of all, you would have complete financial security, eliminating most of your worries.

Many of us, underpaid and unappreciated, work long hours at a job we hate. Then we come home stressed and tired. Some of us are unemployed, on welfare or disability, barely scraping by financially. Day in and day out, this is our life -- our prison.

Life no longer has to be this way. You can go from victim to victor. Unlike the useless money-getting programs you have tried, there is one that will easily make you tons of money. This is the real deal. It is also completely idiot-proof. So you don't have to be a genius to use it.

The program that will transform you from loser to winner is called The Rich Jerk Program. For the amount of two cigarette packs, you can own this program. But hurry, because the program amount is soon to go up.

For more success information, please go to

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

The Tenets

The Masonic tenets are Brotherly Love, Relief, and Truth.

Tenets are cardinal; they direct a person's, group's, and country's life. Winston Churchill was the United Kingdom's Prime Minister during the Second World War. One of his tenets was "Never give in! Never give in! Never, never, never, never -- in nothing great and small -- large and petty -- Never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense." The Boy Scouts of America is a United States scouting organization. One of its tenets is "Be prepared." One of the United States of America's tenets is "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness."

Tenets are powerful; they determine what a person, group, and country become. Winston Churchill never gave in. The Boy Scouts of America are prepared. The United States of America protects its citizens' Life, Liberty, and pursuit of Happiness.

So in following tenets, one becomes those tenets. So Masons following the tenets of Brotherly Love, Relief, and Truth, become loving, helpful, and truth-seeking.

What tenets do you follow? What have you become?

For more success information, please go to

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

The Pot of Incense

The Pot of Incense, a Masonic symbol, represents a pure heart.

To follow your heart means to follow your feelings. The purer your heart, the purer your feelings. A pure heart is synonymous with pure feelings.

The purer your feelings, the purer your behavior. For example, pure depression causes pure quitting; pure confidence causes pure persisting.

The purer your behavior, the purer your life. For example, pure quitting causes pure failure; pure persisting causes pure success.

Therefore in purifying your heart, you purify your life. And your type of life follows from your type of heart.

For more success information, please go to

To view or download pot of incense pictures, please go to

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

The Blazing Star, The Hammer

The Blazing Star, a Masonic symbol, represents divine providence.

Living a divinely provident life is to live a Godly planned life, contrasting with living a humanly planned life. Which life is better? It depends. Sometimes you need to be a hammer, and sometimes a blazing star.

The Hammer:

Living a humanly planned life is pursuing goals that you desire. In this life, you are hammering your way to success. Through your steely willpower, you hammer through your obstacles. You are the hammer.

The Blazing Star:

Living a Godly planned life is accepting goals that God desires. In this life, you are trusting in God's plan, achieving success. Through His plan, you are guided around your obstacles. You are the blazing star.

Star versus Hammer:

The blazing star, guided faithfully in faith, is unshakable; whereas the hammer, hammering willfully in will, is unstoppable. However, the blazing star is peaceful; while the hammer is turbulent. The former refreshes; the latter jades.

So pursue your goals -- hammer-like. But when jaded, let go and let God -- blazing star-like.

For more success information, please go to

To view or download star pictures, please go to

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

The Mirror

In physics, Newton's third law of motion and Einstein's general theory of relativity are important. Since physics is the science of reality, we can use the law and theory to explain human life.

Newton's third law of motion states that for every action there is an equal reaction. In other words, if you do good to others, others will do good to you. And if you do evil to others, others will do evil to you.

Einstein's general theory of relativity states that mass distorts space, causing gravity. So the more massive an object is, the more it distorts space, causing stronger gravity. And the less massive an object is, the less it distorts space, causing weaker gravity. In other words, the more massive your actions are, the stronger consequences gravitate toward you. And the less massive your actions are, the weaker consequences gravitate toward you.

Combining Newton's law and Einstein's theory, the more good you do to others, the stronger good gravitates toward you. And the less good you do to others, the weaker good gravitates toward you. Contrastively, the more evil you do to others, the stronger evil gravitates toward you. And the less evil you do to others, the weaker evil gravitates toward you.

Life is The Mirror.

For more success information, please go to

Sunday, February 18, 2007

The Spade

The Spade, a Masonic symbol, means to remove the rubbish of vice and ignorance.

Vices are habits that negatively affect your life. Examples can be laziness, rashness, and lust. Ignorance is not knowing how to accomplish something. An example can be driving to a new destination without knowing the directions.


A lazy person, acting too slowly, cannot succeed. This person acts too late. He never seems to catch up. A rash person, acting too quickly, cannot succeed. This person acts, making many serious mistakes. So instead of saving time, he wastes time. A lustful person, pleasuring himself often, cannot succeed. This person's actions are often unrelated to his goal. He pursues pleasure more than purpose.


An ignorant person, not knowing what to do, cannot succeed. Can you imagine a builder building without a blueprint, an aviator aviating without air-navigating devices, or a sailor sailing without sea-navigating devices? To be ignorant is to be lost.


To remove vice and ignorance, you must have self-control and knowledge. Controlling yourself, you control your destiny. Knowing your trade, you knowingly accomplish your goals.

So what is success? Controlling yourself, accomplishing knowingly.

For more success information, please go to

To view or download spade pictures, please go to

Thursday, February 15, 2007

The Pythagorean Theorem

The Pythagorean Theorem, a Masonic symbol, teaches Masons to be general lovers of the arts and sciences.

The Pythagorean Theorem states that given a right triangle, the hypotenuse's length squared = a leg's length squared + the other leg's length squared. The legs form an L-shaped 90 degree angle, while the hypotenuse slopes from the top of the L to the tail end of the L.

The Pythagorean Theorem is art, in that it deals with shapes; it is science, in that it is mathematical. Shapely and mathematically, this theorem explains success. Success shapely forms a triangular path: successfully thinking to behaving, behaving to living, and thinking to living. Success mathematically fits the Pythagorean Theorem: successfully thinking to behaving squared + successfully behaving to living squared = successfully thinking to living squared.

Given this Pythagorean Success Theorem, the more successful you are in thinking behaviorally or behaving lively, the more successful you are in thinking lively. Thinking lively is the hypotenuse of success.

For more success information, please go to

To view or download Pythagorean pictures, please go to

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

The Square

The Square, a Masonic symbol, means to square your actions by the square of virtue.

To square your actions means to align them. Your actions align to your thoughts. Your thoughts may be virtuous or vice-filled. Thinking virtuously, you behave virtuously; thinking vice-fully, you behave vice-fully. The reason is that thoughts affect behavior, cause behavior, are behavior.

Virtues and Vices:

Virtues and vices can relate to religion. For example, Christian virtues are love, hope, and faith; whereas Christian vices are hate, despair, and doubt. Christians strive to perfect their love, hope, and faith. Love is strong affection for others; hope is positive expectancy; faith is trust in yourself and God. Christians strive to avoid hate, despair, and doubt. Hate is strong antipathy for others; despair is negative expectancy; doubt is distrust in yourself and God.

Good and Bad Behavior:

Thinking lovingly about others causes you to behave lovingly toward them, whereas thinking hatefully about others causes you to behave hatefully toward them. Thinking hopefully about life causes you to behave hopefully toward it, whereas thinking despairingly about life causes you to behave despairingly toward it. Thinking faithfully about yourself and God causes you to behave faithfully toward yourself and Him, whereas thinking doubtfully about yourself and God causes you to behave doubtfully toward yourself and Him.

Blessings and Curses:

Behaving lovingly toward others causes them to behave lovingly toward you, whereas behaving hatefully toward others causes them to behave hatefully toward you. Behaving hopefully toward life causes it to physically manifest your hope, whereas behaving despairingly toward life causes it to physically manifest your despair. Behaving faithfully toward yourself and God causes you to succeed in all things, whereas behaving doubtfully toward yourself and God causes you to fail in all things.

Summarily, thinking virtuously brings you manifold blessings; thinking vice-fully brings you manifold curses.

For more success information, please go to

To view or download square pictures, please go to

Sunday, February 11, 2007

The Ionic, Doric, and Corinthian Columns

The Ionic, Doric, and Corinthian columns represent wisdom, strength, and beauty. The columns are Masonic symbols.

To do a goal successfully, it must be done with wisdom, strength, and beauty. Wisdom is the necessary knowledge; strength is the necessary persistence; beauty is the necessary style. Wisdom, strength, and beauty make up the success triad.

Wisdom: Knowledge enables. The more you know your trade, the better at it you will be. Ignorance disables. The less you know your trade, the worse at it you will be. Given this, you should avidly learn your trade.

Strength: Persistence accomplishes. A winner never quits before the goal is accomplished. A loser always quits before the goal is accomplished. Given this, you should never start something that you can't or won't complete, and always start something that you can and will complete. Can + Will = Persistence.

Beauty: Style attracts. How you pursue your goal is just as important as accomplishing your goal. If you pursue your goal honorably, you attract admirers. If you pursue your goal dishonorably, you attract haters. Admirers encourage you; haters discourage you.

After goal accomplishment, your finished product has some degree of wisdom, strength, and beauty. Product wisdom can be defined as usefulness, product strength as durability, and product beauty as aesthetics. For example, if you are a great architect, your finished building will be very useful, durable, and aesthetic.

The wisdom, strength, and beauty of a product depend on the wisdom, strength, and beauty of the production.

For more success information, please go to

To view or download Ionic, Doric, and Corinthian pictures, please go to

Friday, February 9, 2007

The Hourglass

The Hourglass, a Masonic symbol, means human life.

Human life is short. Your time is brief on this planet. Time speeds on whether you enjoy it or not, pursue your goals or not, or help the distressed or not. If you act positively, you use time wisely; if not, you waste time foolishly.

According to physics, time is the fourth dimension. The other three dimensions are length (or depth), width, and height. The dimensions interact with each other. Changing length, width, or height changes an object's appearance. Changing time does likewise. For example, the earth looked differently a thousand years ago, and will look differently a thousand years from now.

Time changes things -- for better or worse. Each of us has a piece of time; each of us has some power to change things. Though your time is finite, your changing things is infinite.

In an infinite line of standing dominoes, knocking down one domino successively knocks down the other dominoes infinitely. In an infinite line of events, changing one event successively changes the other events infinitely.

Therefore your time gives you power to change events particularly, changing them universally.

For more success information, please go to

To view or download hourglass pictures, please go to

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

The Virtues

The principal Masonic virtues are fortitude, prudence, temperance, and justice.

To be successful in life, you must have fortitude, prudence, temperance, and justice. If any one of these virtues is missing, you will not be successful. Fortitude is important, because you need it to persist through obstacles. Prudence is important, because you need it to make good decisions. Temperance is important, because avoiding extremes keeps you balanced. Justice is important, because it keeps you on the straight path and away from the crooked path.

By persisting through obstacles, making good decisions, avoiding extremes, and keeping on the straight path, you cannot fail. Success is ensured. Fortitude + prudence + temperance + justice = success. Contrastively, spinelessness or foolishness or excess or injustice = failure. By quitting, making bad decisions, embracing extremes, or keeping on the crooked path, you cannot succeed. Failure is ensured.

Indeed, virtues equal success; weaknesses equal failure.

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Tuesday, February 6, 2007

The Beehive

The Beehive, a Masonic symbol, means to be industrious.

An industrious person busily pursues his goal; a slothful person idles away his time. The former moves; the latter rests. Movement causes change; rest causes sameness.

If you are unhappy about your present life, you need to change it by moving. Movement solves all of life's problems -- if it is positive and solution-focused. A motivated problem-solver lives happily; a motivated complainer lives unhappily.

According to physics, Momentum = Mass x Velocity. In other words, your momentum toward a goal = mass of work done x velocity of doing work. To increase your momentum toward a goal, you can either get more work done or work faster. Actually, getting more work done is working faster.

Motivated movement moves much.

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Sunday, February 4, 2007

The Compass

The Compass, a Masonic symbol, means to exercise self-restraint and self-control.

To control your destiny, you need to control your behavior. Uncontrolled behavior endangers your destiny. We have heard accounts of people killing others in a fit of rage, people cheating on their spouse in a fit of passion, and people abandoning their goals in a fit of fear. One major slip in self-control can permanently alter your destiny.

Not only does self-control prevent life mistakes, it also accomplishes goals. To accomplish challenging goals, you need to control your behavior by decreasing unnecessary behavior and increasing necessary behavior. For example, instead of watching television, you work on your goal. The more behavior is restricted to a goal, the quicker the goal is accomplished.

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Saturday, February 3, 2007

The Anchor and Ark

The Anchor and Ark, a Masonic symbol, means having a well-grounded hope and a well-spent life.

A well-grounded hope is assuring yourself of a possibility; a well-spent life is a successful life. To have a successful life, you must assure yourself of this possibility. Assuring yourself of possibly having a successful life moves you in this direction. Just as gasoline is car fuel, hope is behavioral fuel. The stronger the hope, the stronger the fuel. Stronger behavioral fuel leads to faster success.

No matter how dark your present circumstance is -- hope, the behavioral fuel, gets you through it. However, if you run out of behavioral fuel, you emotionally depress, behaviorally quitting. So you must regularly fill yourself up with hope. Filling up at the hope station, choose premium instead of regular.

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Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Thinking Your Living, Living Your Thinking

According to physics, a light beam consists of particles (photons) and waves. If you observe a light beam in a certain way, it appears to consist of particles. If observed in another way, it appears to consist of waves. Which observation is correct? They both are. Similarly, a human life consists of thoughts, emotions, behavior, and environment. Your specific observation of a human life yields thoughts by what is said, emotions by facial expression, behavior by activities, or environment by surroundings. Your focus determines your observation -- and any one of your observations is correct.

Thoughts: By what is said, a person reveals his thoughts. His thoughts may be positive or negative, moral or immoral, rational or irrational, etc. If you completely understand a person's thoughts, then you completely understand the person.

Emotions: By facial expression, body posture, and voice tone, a person reveals his emotions. His emotions may be sad or happy, fearful or confident, angry or calm, etc. If you completely understand a person's emotions, then you completely understand the person.

Behavior: By activities, a person reveals his behavior. His behavior may be hardworking or lazy, sociable or isolating, safe or risky, etc. If you completely understand a person's behavior, then you completely understand the person.

Environment: By work and home surroundings, a person reveals his environment. His environment may be luxurious or slummy, ordered or chaotic, quiet or noisy, etc. If you completely understand a person's environment, then you completely understand the person.

How can observing any one of these factors (thoughts, emotions, behavior, or environment) yield enough information to completely understand a person? Our light beam example answers this question. Not only does a light beam consists of particles and waves -- but the particles and waves are one and the same. Not only does a human life consists of thoughts, emotions, behavior, and environment -- but the thoughts, emotions, behavior, and environment are one and the same.

Thoughts express as emotions, expressing as behavior, expressing as environment. For example, thinking positive expresses as feeling confident, expressing as behaving motivated, expressing as living in luxury.

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Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Part By Part, The Huge Goal

Always aim for achievement, and forget about success.
-- Helen Hayes

Success consists of achievements, much like a forest consists of trees. In order to cut a forest down, you must do it one tree at a time; in order to attain success, you must do it one achievement at a time. Tiny parts make up a huge whole.

A huge goal is easily completed, if broken down into tiny tasks -- completed one at a time. However, the same goal is difficultly completed, if unbroken and whole -- completed all at once. A huge war is won by winning tiny battles -- one at a time. However, the same war is lost by attempting to win the war -- all at once.

Hence, there are two ways of pursuing a huge goal -- wholly and partly. Wholly pursuing the huge goal overwhelms you, influencing you to quit. Partly pursuing the huge goal underwhelms you, influencing you to continue. Being underwhelmed, you are cool, confident, and ready for more.

Part by part, you are smart. One at a time, you win in time.

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Sunday, January 28, 2007


According to physics, Force = Mass x Acceleration. Not only does this equation explain the relationship between matter and force, but it also explains the relationship between product and force. Force = Mass x Acceleration teaches us that accelerating or enlarging an object increases its force. Likewise, it teaches us that accelerating or enlarging a product increases its force.

Promotion Force = Product Number x Production Acceleration.

Promotion Force: It is the extent that a product promotes itself, attracting customers to buy. The greater the promotion, the greater the customer attraction, the greater the sales, the greater the force.

Product Number: It is the number of products produced. The greater the number, the greater the availability, the greater the promotion. For example, if only one electromagnetic automobile was produced, chances are most people would not know about it. However, if one billion electromagnetic automobiles were produced, chances are most people would know about it.

Production Acceleration: It is the increased speed of product production. The more speed increases, the more products are produced, the more products are available, the more products are promoted. For example, the fast-food restaurant McDonald's produces hamburgers faster than most hamburger restaurants. Almost everyone knows about McDonald's. Almost everyone ate at McDonald's.

Indeed, Promotion Force = Product Number x Production Acceleration.

Common Sense: In addition to using the above equation, you should ensure that your product is better and cheaper than competing products.

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Saturday, January 27, 2007

Do Your Best, Talking Little, Working Consistently

Make yourself indispensable and you'll be moved up. Act as if you're indispensable and you'll be moved out.
-- Anon.

The Cub Scout motto, "Do your best," is the key to making yourself indispensable. Most people follow the path of least resistance by doing the minimum. If you follow the path of most resistance by doing the maximum, you will be noticed quickly. Being noticed, you make friends and enemies. Your friends attempt to further your goals; your enemies attempt to hinder your goals. If you continue doing your best, you will achieve your goals, become indispensable, and move up.

However, in moving up, there is a dark side. The dark side is after becoming indispensable, you act indispensable. In acting indispensable, you lose self-restraint and self-control. Intoxicated by success, you begin arrogantly talking too much and slothfully working too little. Then a competitor hungrier than you takes your place, ousting you out.

Therefore you should do your best, talking little, working consistently.

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Friday, January 26, 2007

Time Is The Great Equalizer

Karma basically means that in doing good things, good things will come to you; and in doing bad things, bad things will come to you. Karma generally applies to all human behavior.

Some examples of bad karma are if you disrespect others, others will disrespect you; if you murder others, others will murder you; if you cheat others, others will cheat you; if you steal from others, others will steal from you; if you deceive others, others will deceive you.

Revenge, though not a virtue, is part of human nature. People naturally anger at injustices done to them. In serious criminal acts, the justice system attempts to punish the perpetrator by matching the punishment to the crime. For example, a murderer receives death (execution) or the death of his time (life in prison). Also, a court-ordered fine takes a thief's property or imprisonment takes his time.

Some examples of good karma are if you respect others, others will respect you; if you help others, others will help you; if you are honest with others, others will be honest with you; if you give to others, others will give to you; if you are loyal to others, others will be loyal to you.

Gratitude is part of human nature. People naturally feel grateful for favors bestowed upon them, and seek to repay the favors. For example, a neighbor would be more apt to give you food and shelter, if you gave the neighbor food and shelter in the past. Also, a coworker would be more apt to give you a loan, if you gave the coworker a loan in the past.

Oftentimes, evil deeds get rewarded and good deeds get punished in the short run; and evil deeds get punished and good deeds get rewarded in the long run. For example, a dishonest bank robber is richer than an honest banker in the short run. But in the long run, the honest banker is richer than the imprisoned bank robber. Indeed, time is the great equalizer.

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Thursday, January 25, 2007

Mental Energy

According to physics, the interaction of mass and velocity produces kinetic energy. Changing mass or velocity changes kinetic energy. Changing Mass: A car hitting you at 50 miles/hour will do more physical damage to you than a housefly at the same speed, because the former has more kinetic energy than the latter. Changing Velocity: A car hitting you at 50 miles/hour will do more physical damage to you than the same car at 5 miles/hour, because the former has more kinetic energy than the latter.

Likewise, the interaction of environment and behavior produces mental energy. Changing your environment or behavior changes your mental energy. Changing Environment: Living in a slum will mentally depress you more than living in luxury. Changing Behavior: Resting away aimlessly will mentally depress you more than striving toward a goal.

Hence, the interaction of luxury and goal striving produces heightened mental energy.

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Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Viewing Affects Doing

Success, which is something so simple in the end, is made up of thousands of things, we never fully know what.
-- Rainer Maria Rilke

Success is simple; it is also complex. It is simple, in that success consists of accomplishing your goal. It is complex, in that there are thousands of things you must do along the way to goal accomplishment. If you view success as simple, you persist confidently. If you view success as complex, you hesitate alarmingly. The former leads to accomplishment, the latter to procrastination. Therefore the trick to getting anything done is to view it as easy rather than difficult. Viewing affects doing.

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Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Action versus Inaction

Nature gave men two ends -- one to sit on, and one to think with. Ever since then man's success or failure has been dependent on the one he used most.
-- George R. Kirkpatrick

Action equals success; inaction equals failure. Action or inaction begins in thought, working its way to behavior, ending in success or failure. Actively thinking about accomplishing your goal generates ideas on this. You may make many wrong turns on the road to your goal; but if you keep driving, you will get there. Oftentimes, trial and error teach best, especially if there is no road map to guide you. In contrast, inactive thinking generates nothing. You are parked, going nowhere. Trial and error play no role, since you never begin driving.

Sitting on your rear brings failure near; thinking with your brain brings successful gain.

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Monday, January 22, 2007

To Believe or Not To Believe

Self-trust is the first secret of success.
-- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Of the many secrets of success, self-trust is principal. Without self-trust, the other secrets become useless. Self-trust is the absolute belief that you can accomplish a particular goal. Absolute belief causes you to act boldly, molding your environment to your liking.

The following New Testament story makes this point. One day, Jesus' disciples were boating. Suddenly, the disciples saw a human figure walking on the water to them. Initially, they thought the figure was a ghost and panicked; but realizing the figure was Jesus, they were relieved but awestruck. Then Jesus commanded one of his disciples, Peter, to leave the boat and walk to him. Absolutely believing that he could walk on water, Peter walked on water to Jesus. Indeed, Peter was doing the impossible, until he began doubting his ability to walk on water. Doubting, he quickly sank in the deep water (Matthew 14:22-36).

Whether you think this story is fact or fiction, it reveals a universal principle. Believing, you rise; doubting, you fall.

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Sunday, January 21, 2007

Failures Don't Like To . . .

The secret of every man who has ever been successful lies in the fact that he formed the bait of doing those things that failures don't like to do.
-- A. Jackson King

Failures don't like to persist, especially during challenging conditions. They like to take the easy way out -- by getting out. To persist, your inner motivation (bait) must be greater than outside hindrances. Your inner motivation must be strong enough to persist your behavior through outside obstacles. Oftentimes, behavioral persistence creates environmental resistance. Yes, people in your environment will attempt to dissuade you from persisting -- the greater the goal, the greater the dissuasion attempts. This is human nature, and should not be taken personally. Like attracts like; distinguishing yourself from your peers repels them.

However, if you continue to persist, achieving your goals, you attract like-minded people. Positive-minded peers arriving, your negative-minded peers depart. Positive environment arriving, your negative environment departs. Persistence, initially causing resistance, finally overcomes resistance.

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Saturday, January 20, 2007

The Giving-Getting Paradox

The man who will use his skill and constructive imagination to see how much he can give for a dollar, instead of how little he can give for a dollar, is bound to succeed.
-- Henry Ford

You have three choices. You can meet, surpass, or disappoint others' expectations. Each choice leads to a particular circumstance. In meeting others' expectations, your needs are met. In surpassing others' expectations, your needs are surpassed. In disappointing others' expectations, your needs are disappointed.

Business success, just-getting-by, and failure depend on the extent that you meet your customers' expectations. The more you give to your customers, the more your customers give to you. The less you give to your customers, the less your customers give to you. Indeed, giving is getting.

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Friday, January 19, 2007

Success Habit

The successful person is the individual who forms the habit of doing what the failing person doesn't like to do. -- Donald Riggs

Habits are daily behaviors, determining success and failure. Habits begin mentally, progress emotionally, then behaviorally, and finally environmentally. For example, successful people habitually envision their goals, feeling confidently, behaving motivationally, succeeding environmentally. In contrast, failing people habitually envision their obstacles, feeling diffidently, behaving curbingly, failing environmentally. Therefore success and failure are really mental habits, expressing themselves in physical reality.

Rene Descartes, one of the most important Western philosophers, stated "I think, therefore I am." In other words, thinking is being. You think yourself into being successful. For more success information, go to