Monday, May 2, 2011

How to Motivate yourself with Anger, Fear, or Lust

When I was in Army basic training, my drill sergeant used to say that he was going to get me so angry that I would become an officer someday. Though I never became an officer, I learned volumes on motivation.

The three most powerful emotions connected to motivation are anger, fear, and lust. These emotions powerfully stimulate and energize the body via hormones. These emotions are located in a primitive part of the brain called the amygdala.

Anger, fear, and lust are the most primitive and powerful of all the emotions. They are also the most destructive, if used wrongly. But if used rightly, anger, fear, or lust can powerfully motivate you to pursue your goals.

Here is an example of how to use anger to motivate yourself to pursue a particular goal.

1) Start by thinking of an injustice that was done to you. The more painful, the better. The more anger it arouses in you, the better.

2) Picture the person who had done you wrong laughing at you, saying that you'll never amount to anything, that you're a loser for life.

3) By now, I'm sure you're very angry. Use this anger to motivate yourself to pursue one of your goals.

If you don't want to use anger, you can instead use fear. Here is an example of how to use fear to motivate yourself to pursue a goal.

1) Start by thinking about the consequences that can happen to you if you don't accomplish a particular goal. The more painful, the better. The more fear they arouse in you, the better.

2) Picture yourself suffering immensely because you didn't accomplish the goal. Picture the incredible loss. Picture the disappointment of you friends, family, and loved ones.

3) By now, I'm sure you're very scared. Use this fear to motivate yourself to pursue your goal.

If you don't want to use anger or fear, you can always use lust. Here is an example of how you can use lust to motivate yourself to pursue your goal.

1) If you're a heterosexual man, you can think about a woman that turns you on the most. The more vivid, the better. The more lust she arouses in you, the better.

2) Picture yourself attaining the lusted after woman only after you attain your goal. Because, after all, she doesn't want to sleep with a loser.

3) By now, I'm sure you're feeling very lustful. Use this lust to motivate yourself to pursue your goal.

If used properly, anger, fear, or lust is a powerful tidal wave that can help you surf to your goals. If used wrongly, it's a tidal wave that can destroy everything in your life.

The key is that you must learn to control and direct your anger, fear, or lust.