Regenerating Body, Financial Situation, and Mental Condition
Today I am affirming, "And Jesus said unto him, Receive thy sight: thy faith hath saved thee" (Luke 18:42).
After affirming this Bible verse, I feel my body regenerating, becoming new again. All old body cells are being replaced with new healthy cells. Malfunctioning or damaged body parts are becoming fully functioning.
Not only is faith regenerating my body, but it is also regenerating my financial situation. My broken, malfunctioning financial situation is being replaced by a healthy financial situation, a secure one, a luxurious one.
Furthermore, faith is regenerating my mental condition. My foolish mental condition is being replaced by the mental condition of wisdom. Instead of blindly making dumb mistakes, I have deep insight into most situations, seeing the best course of action. I know and do the right thing at the right time.
Faith is regenerating me into having a healthy body, a wealthy financial situation, and a wise mental condition.