I Am God
"And God said unto Moses, I Am That I Am: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I Am hath sent me unto you" (Exodus 3:14).
Upon affirming this Bible verse, I realize that God is within me. Saying "I am that I am" makes me aware of God's presence within me. Saying "I am that I am" makes me deeply self-aware, causing me to focus on the real me. The real me is God, and God is the real me.
Knowing that I am one with God frees up my ability to accomplish anything. There are no more doubts or hindrances. I know that I can accomplish anything that I focus on. I have complete confidence.
The power of the great I Am is within me, is within my imagination. The great English poet, painter, and printmaker William Blake stated, "Imagination is the real and eternal world of which this vegetable universe is but a faint shadow."