Words, Thoughts, and Waves
"Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer" (Psalm 19:14 KJV).
Upon reading this Bible verse, I am reminded of the importance of the words we speak and the thoughts we think. Words and thoughts can be broadly categorized into two categories: faith and fear.
Why are the words we speak and the thoughts we think so important? Words and thoughts are important, because they affect the reality around us.
Physicists have discovered that there's really no such thing as empty space. They found that empty space is really made up of subatomic particles or waves.
If the empty space is viewed through equipment that allows a nonhuman machine to see on a subatomic level, the machine will see subatomic waves - waves of possibility. But if a human uses the equipment to see on a subatomic level, the waves will collapse into subatomic particles - particles of certainty.
Why would human observation affect the waves of possibility and not that of a nonhuman machine? The answer is that humans have consciousness and nonhuman machines don't. It appears that consciousness interacts with waves of possibility.
The waves of possibility represent energy and the particles of certainty represent matter. And mere human observation of the energy converts it into matter.
Indeed, we're constantly surrounded by subatomic energy. And our observations of reality via our thoughts affect this energy - converting it into matter!
If our thoughts are of faith (e.g., anointing of wealth, health, and life), then the energy will convert into the reality of faith. If our thoughts are of fear (e.g., curse of poverty, sickness, and death), then the energy will convert into the reality of fear.
If you want to know whether you're thinking mostly thoughts of faith or fear, just become aware of the words you say. The words you say come directly from the thoughts you think.