Mental Energy
According to physics, the interaction of mass and velocity produces kinetic energy. Changing mass or velocity changes kinetic energy. Changing Mass: A car hitting you at 50 miles/hour will do more physical damage to you than a housefly at the same speed, because the former has more kinetic energy than the latter. Changing Velocity: A car hitting you at 50 miles/hour will do more physical damage to you than the same car at 5 miles/hour, because the former has more kinetic energy than the latter.
Likewise, the interaction of environment and behavior produces mental energy. Changing your environment or behavior changes your mental energy. Changing Environment: Living in a slum will mentally depress you more than living in luxury. Changing Behavior: Resting away aimlessly will mentally depress you more than striving toward a goal.
Hence, the interaction of luxury and goal striving produces heightened mental energy.
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