The Blazing Star, The Hammer
The Blazing Star, a Masonic symbol, represents divine providence.
Living a divinely provident life is to live a Godly planned life, contrasting with living a humanly planned life. Which life is better? It depends. Sometimes you need to be a hammer, and sometimes a blazing star.
The Hammer:
Living a humanly planned life is pursuing goals that you desire. In this life, you are hammering your way to success. Through your steely willpower, you hammer through your obstacles. You are the hammer.
The Blazing Star:
Living a Godly planned life is accepting goals that God desires. In this life, you are trusting in God's plan, achieving success. Through His plan, you are guided around your obstacles. You are the blazing star.
Star versus Hammer:
The blazing star, guided faithfully in faith, is unshakable; whereas the hammer, hammering willfully in will, is unstoppable. However, the blazing star is peaceful; while the hammer is turbulent. The former refreshes; the latter jades.
So pursue your goals -- hammer-like. But when jaded, let go and let God -- blazing star-like.
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