Tuesday, February 13, 2007

The Square

The Square, a Masonic symbol, means to square your actions by the square of virtue.

To square your actions means to align them. Your actions align to your thoughts. Your thoughts may be virtuous or vice-filled. Thinking virtuously, you behave virtuously; thinking vice-fully, you behave vice-fully. The reason is that thoughts affect behavior, cause behavior, are behavior.

Virtues and Vices:

Virtues and vices can relate to religion. For example, Christian virtues are love, hope, and faith; whereas Christian vices are hate, despair, and doubt. Christians strive to perfect their love, hope, and faith. Love is strong affection for others; hope is positive expectancy; faith is trust in yourself and God. Christians strive to avoid hate, despair, and doubt. Hate is strong antipathy for others; despair is negative expectancy; doubt is distrust in yourself and God.

Good and Bad Behavior:

Thinking lovingly about others causes you to behave lovingly toward them, whereas thinking hatefully about others causes you to behave hatefully toward them. Thinking hopefully about life causes you to behave hopefully toward it, whereas thinking despairingly about life causes you to behave despairingly toward it. Thinking faithfully about yourself and God causes you to behave faithfully toward yourself and Him, whereas thinking doubtfully about yourself and God causes you to behave doubtfully toward yourself and Him.

Blessings and Curses:

Behaving lovingly toward others causes them to behave lovingly toward you, whereas behaving hatefully toward others causes them to behave hatefully toward you. Behaving hopefully toward life causes it to physically manifest your hope, whereas behaving despairingly toward life causes it to physically manifest your despair. Behaving faithfully toward yourself and God causes you to succeed in all things, whereas behaving doubtfully toward yourself and God causes you to fail in all things.

Summarily, thinking virtuously brings you manifold blessings; thinking vice-fully brings you manifold curses.

For more success information, please go to http://www.theguaranteedcure.com/

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