The funky connection among Thoughts, Behavior, and Reality
According to the Book of Genesis 1:3, "God said, Let there be light: and there was light." If this is true, then it has very deep implications.
What this basically means is that thoughts equal reality, that all causes spring from thoughts.
"Poppycock," you say, "All things spring from behavior, from doing, from getting off your butt." I agree. But where do you think behavior, doing, or getting off your butt comes from? That's right, it comes from your thoughts.
If you don't believe me, try driving your car, doing your job, or conversing with a friend without having any thoughts. Utterly impossible! Behavior is merely an extension of your most dominant thoughts.
Given this, if you change your thoughts, you change your behavior, thereby changing your reality. So choose your thoughts wisely. They affect your reality more significantly than you'll ever know.
Thoughts = reality.