Monday, April 11, 2011

Karma is a Bitch and Payback is a Monster

The universe is a vast place, but despite what many may think, it is very organized.

For example, like clockwork, the sun sets and rises, living things are born and then die, the ecosystem balances itself out, the strong survive and the weak perish, the planets orbit the sun, stars are created and then stars burn out or explode.

Indeed, the universe follows laws, and one of these laws is for every action there is an equal reaction. For people, this law is known as the law of karma, phrased as "what comes around goes around" or "karma is a bitch and payback is a monster."

How this law works is that your life rewards and punishments are linked directly to how you treat others. If you are good to others, others will be good to you and the universe will bless you with good things. If you are evil to others, others will be evil to you and the universe will curse you with evil things.

So the next time you become angry with someone, hold it in, walk away, and remember "what comes around goes around" and "karma is a bitch and payback is a monster."